Hello I am Kendra, I am from the US and currently living in China. I am passionate about traveling and want to share my experiences with you. Follow me on Instagram kallenstravels

Moving to China

Moving to China has been one of the most amazing and difficult experiences that I have ever had. This was the first time for me to move further than a days drive let alone overseas. I had no idea what to pack. Even though I had time to get rid of all of my belongings time would fly so quickly. Needless to say, I still have many of my things stored in my parents garage (sorry Mom and Dad).

I was ill prepared for the move, and I flat out did not know what to expect. I had also been under the mind-frame of always be prepared for so long that I wanted to be prepared for any scenario. So this hoarder had to learn how to let go of the unnecessary. I still struggle with that, but I can tell you packing your life into 7 (yes I said 7) bags really shows you what you wont miss, and in some cases will miss.

I packed 7 bags to move, yes I know most people do it in less. I have a list of things that I brought with me that I wish I had not. So let’s talk about what I wish I did not pack.

1) I packed towels, blankets, and sheets. The school I work for provided me with the basics when I got there. I really did not need to pack these things with me. Even though I do use my extra soft blanket on my couch regularly, and my over sized towels, I could have purchased them in China for far less than 1 checked bag. I packed them because I was unsure of when I would be receiving these items (I knew they were being provided by the school).

2) Extras. I packed so many extra tissue packets, ear swabs, and feminine hygiene products that I could have gotten when I landed. Although I can say with the last item listed at this moment I have not found a product in China that I liked using. Just switch to reusables, you’ll thank me later. This was extra space that I really did not need to have filled and again far cheaper to purchase in China than paying for a checked bag.

3) Camping/hiking gear. I LOVE to hike and camp so I brought my gear. I have not used any of it… well I have let people barrow my bag and that is pretty much it. I had all of these grand ideas that I would be able to hike and camp all the time, but I am doing good to even explore the country. I plan on bring it all home next time I go, or have my parents bring it home when they visit. Another bag and money waisted.

4) Too many clothes. This is a double edge sword if you will. For a woman with a more curvy body it is very difficult to find clothing that fits in Asia. It is easy to have clothing made, which I have done. However, there is a thing called too many clothes. I thought I had done a great job at slimming down my wardrobe but alas, even with the slimming down of clothing and shoes I still had several bags dedicated to them. It did not help that I had planned to go to places that were cold for the holidays. I had to also pack my winter gear, and this took up additional space.

What did I learn from the moving experience? I learned that it is better to pack lighter and pick things up where you are moving to. I also learned the value of not always packing for just incase. It is nice to just live with what you need. I have only had a handful of experiences where I thought to myself I really wish I had that one item I had back home. I kept track of what that was and how many times I thought that, looked for substitute options in China, and if I could not find a replacement in China I got them when I went home to visit.

Quarantine days 1-7